PT. LUNGAN SAK JAGAT strives to give you the best of both worlds, i.e. service and price. Un-beatable service satisfaction, fast process of travel arrangement and always meeting customer requirements with lowest price possible. Our customer is our partner to achieve the best travel experiences.

What the we do ?

At LUNGAN TOURS & TRAVEL (PT. LUNGAN SAK JAGAT), we consider that the most important things in travels are knowledge, information, experience and reliability. Thus, with this in mind our customer service centered philosophy drives us to serve our customers with hassle-free, on schedule travel itinerary and new experience in unforgettable destinations.

Our fast and efficient teamwork serves individual as well as group for either domestic or international travels. We also have the expertise and technology support systems capable of handling complex requests with different customer requirement.

The combination of years of experience in the industry and strong IT support creates true values for our customers.

We believe that our customer’s satisfaction is our responsibility!


  • Providing travel advice, consultation, arrangement and organize logistic with respect to customer as individual with unique need and expectation
  • We serve with smile in our face, take pride in what we do and having professionalism in our work ethics
  • Creativity and innovation are always our unlimited resources to fulfill customer requirement and expectation of a hassle-free travel experience.
  • “Our customers are our Partners”, a credo that guides our work ethic to create the best experience in travelling.
  • Nowadays travelling is part of our life and more demanding than ever. We are the company who are committed to create new travelling experiences.


The only travel provider with distinct services on friendliness, professional, respect and high people value for the best travel experience